Below are data sources available to the public, that CHS references for building services and programs
- Barriers to Rural Housing Report – June 2022
- Health and Academic Achievement Research Fact Sheet: Data about schools’ impact on students’ health
- Child Welfare Services Data
- Home Visit Nursing Needs Assessment, State and County
- School-Based Health Centers: Focusing on our Future Status Report Overview of SBHC impact on school-aged population, statewide
- Health Disparities: Can create your own reports based on state or county-level data
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a data source that reports on adult risk categories by county.
- NW Oregon Labor Trends
- County Health Rankings
- Columbia County WIC Facts (available each year): County-level data reporting number of clients served, financial impact and services
- US Census 2010 QuickFacts: Demographic data by county and state