Parenting Curricula
Parenting curricula are structured educational programs designed to provide parents with knowledge, skills, and strategies to effectively navigate the challenges and joys of raising children. These curricula cover a wide range of topics, including child development, effective communication, discipline techniques, nurturing emotional intelligence, and fostering healthy parent-child relationships. By engaging with parenting curricula, caregivers can gain confidence, strengthen their parenting skills, and create a nurturing environment that promotes the optimal development of their children.

For Families with Children up to 12 years
For Families with Teens & Preteens
Families in Action
by Active Parenting Publishers
A six-seven session collaborative series where caretakers and teens learn to survive and thrive together. Caretakers and teens attend separate sessions at the same time, then come together to practice skills. Topics include effective communication, conflict, teen brain and social development, discipline, and responsibilities.
Active Parenting of Teens
by Active Parenting Publishers
A six-seven session series where caretakers of teens learn in-depth about what is happening for developing teens, and find tools to help ease communication, conflict, and discipline.
Teens in Action
by Active Parenting Publishers
A six-seven session series where teens learn new skills to help navigate and cope with a world of ever-more responsibilities where parents are still setting limits.
Para familias con adolescentes y preadolescentes
Familias en Acción
por Active Parenting Publishers
Una serie colaborativa de seis sesiones donde los cuidadores y los adolescentes aprenden a sobrevivir y prosperar juntos. Los cuidadores y los adolescentes asisten a sesiones separadas al mismo tiempo y luego se reúnen para practicar sus habilidades. Los temas incluyen comunicación efectiva, conflicto, desarrollo social y mental de los adolescentes, disciplina y responsabilidades.
Paternidad Activa de Adolescentes
por Active Parenting Publishers
Una serie de seis sesiones donde los cuidadores de adolescentes aprenden en profundidad sobre lo que está sucediendo para los adolescentes en desarrollo y encuentran herramientas para ayudar a facilitar la comunicación, los conflictos y la disciplina.
Actualmente solo se ofrece en inglés
Adolescentes en Acción
por Active Parenting Publishers
Una serie de seis sesiones en las que los adolescentes aprenden nuevas habilidades para ayudarlos a navegar y enfrentarse a un mundo de responsabilidades cada vez mayores en el que los padres aún establecen límites.
For Families with Children with Special Needs & Health Challenges
Nurture Hope
by Nurturing Parenting
A twelve-session, evidence-based series where children and their caretakers participate in activities to learn about themselves, each other, and how to hurdle life’s challenges gracefully with creativity and love. SAMHSA Approved Curriculum
For Caretakers and Parents in
Substance Use Treatment & Recovery
by Nurturing Parenting
A seventeen-session, evidence-based series that acknowledges the challenges of parenting while in recovery. Caretakers and parents will learn to nurture both themselves and their children through the process of learning a new way of living. SAMHSA Approved Curriculum
A Program for Native Families
Positive Indian Parenting
An eight-week series diving into different topics facilitated by tribal community members. Topics include Lessons of the Cradleboard, Harmony in Child Rearing, Traditional Behavior Management, and much more.
A Program for Fathers
Nurturing Fathers
A thirteen-session, evidence-based series diving into different topics. Topics may include cultural parenting traditions, child growth & development, emotion regulation & communication, discipline, developing routines, and much more. SAMHSA Approved Curriculum
Surveys & Assessments
All Columbia Health Services parenting education offerings are accompanied by a pre- and post-series survey or assessment. Surveys and assessments look at the knowledge, attitudes, and history of each individual attending. The specific survey or assessment used is determined by the needs of the individual and the goals of the series. Some surveys and assessments that may be used with Columbia Health Services parenting education offerings are:
AAPI 2.1
Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory- version 2
The AAPI-2.1 is an inventory designed to assess the parenting and child rearing attitudes of adolescents and adult parent and pre-parent populations. Based on the known parenting and child rearing behaviors of abusive parents, responses to the inventory provide an index of risk for practicing behaviors known to be attributable to child abuse and neglect. The AAPI-2.1 is the revised and re-normed version of the original AAPI first developed in 1979. Learn more here.
NSCS 3.0
Nurturing Skills Competency Scale- version 3
The NSCS is an inventory designed to gather information, both past and current, about individuals and their families in order to alert family members as well as professionals about on-going conditions that could lead to: 1. the initial occurrence of child maltreatment; or 2. the recurrence of child maltreatment. Learn more here.
Parenting Attitudes about Raising Teenagers Inventory- version 1
The PARTI is a norm-referenced inventory designed to assess the parenting beliefs of parents and their teens ages 13-18 years. Responses to the PARTI provide parents and their teens an opportunity to compare their beliefs regarding issues that define adolescence. Learn more here.
Results & Interpretation
When interpreting results, Columbia Health Services takes a holistic stance, considering scores, observations, and interactions, plus the shifting context and stressors of an individual’s life, knowing full well things beyond an individual’s control can influence survey results. CHS practices full transparency with participants and clients by sharing all results and interpretations with the participant, and by requiring a signed Release of Information if results, observations, and interpretations are to be shared with teachers, spouses, caseworkers, advocates, lawyers, judges, and anyone beyond the facilitator/interpreter and individual.
Partnership with Providers
Columbia Health Services parenting education offerings can be used in concert with therapy, treatment programs, recovery programs, and other healing modalities. Facilitators can, within their scope and capacity, work together with other providers to help provide holistic support for participants in a variety of settings. Please ensure all appropriate Releases of Information are signed.
Placement & Custody
Within their scope of service, parenting education facilitators can participate with caseworkers, lawyers, therapists, sponsors, advocates, and others to work toward reunification. Facilitators will always maintain supportive transparency with participants, and interaction with other members of the reunification team must be approved by the participant with a written, signed Release of Information.